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WoW 20th Anniversary Classic Timewalking Guide

Writer's picture: Sarah ErteltSarah Ertelt

Updated: Oct 25, 2024

World of Warcraft's 20th Anniversary events are running from late October into January 2025, and Blizzard has revamped tons of classic content. Players can complete 6 new Classic Timewalking dungeons and the classic raid Blackrock Depths to earn Timewarped Badges.

WoWoW 20th Anniversary Classic Timewalking Guide
WoW 20th Anniversary Classic Timewalking Guide

This Classic Timewalking Guide provides details for these WoW 20th Anniversary events:

  • Classic reputation bonus and weekly quest

  • New classic timewalking dungeons

  • New classic timewalking raid

  • Timewalking loot available at the Celebration Area

Classic Reputation Bonus and Weekly Quest

For WoW's 20th Anniversary, players at least level 10 can participate in Classic Timewalking Dungeons. A new Timewalking Reputation bonus will allow players to both level their alts and their reputations with old factions at the same time.

The timewalking reputation bonus buffs reputation by 50% for the following factions: Brood of Nozdormu, Stormpike Guard, Timbermaw Hold, Zandalar Tribe, Silvering Sentinels, Frostwolf Clan, Argent Dawn, Thorium Brotherhood, Warsong Outriders, Ravasaur Trainers, The League of Arathor, Hydraxian Waterlords, Wintersaber Trainers, and the Defilers.

Every week, players can complete a weekly timewalking quest for a Cache of Nerubian Treasures. Pick up the quest "An Original Path Through Time" through the Adventure Guide every week and complete 5 timewalking dungeons to receive the cache.

Classic Timewalking Dungeons

Players with characters at least level 10 will be able to queue for Timewalking dungeons via Group Finder. The newly revamped Classic Timewalking dungeons are:

  • Deadmines

  • Zul'Farrak

  • Dire Maul East

  • Dire Maul West

  • Stratholme Living

  • Stratholme Undead

Players can queue for timewalking either with a group or individually in Group Finder. If players are unfamiliar with these classic dungeons, the quest tracker will let players know what bosses need to be defeated to complete the dungeon.

Classic Timewalking Raid - Blackrock Depths

The new Blackrock Depths raid will be available on LFR, Normal, and Heroic difficulties. Raid finder will drop Veteran track loot, Normal raid will drop Champion track loot, and Heroic will drop Hero track loot, with the final boss dropping 619 item level gear.

Blackrock Depths is a new version of the classic raid with 8 bosses and 5 mini-bosses. The main raid bosses are:

  • Boss 1: Lord Roccor

  • Boss 2: Bael'Gar

  • Boss 3: Lord Incendius

  • Boss 4: Golem Lord Argelmach

  • Boss 5: The Seven

  • Boss 6: General Angerforge

  • Boss 7: Ambassador Flamelash

  • Boss 8: Emperor Dagran Thaurissan

Players can quickly access the Blackrock Depths raid by taking a portal to either Stormwind or Orgrimmar from Dornogol, and then take the portal to the Caverns of Time. Then, talk to Moira Thaurissan to portal to the raid.

Moira also offers a weekly quest to clear the raid on any difficulty. The Bronze Celebration Cache of Treasures rewards players with a Champion level piece of loot and a Restored Coffer Key.

The new Blackrock Depths raid in World of Warcraft: The War Within will drop Timewarped Relic Coffer Keys, allowing players to choose specific items from the raid. Each difficulty will drop Timewarped Relic Coffer Keys for loot of that raid's difficulty.

Only 120 keys in total will drop from each difficulty for the duration of the WoW 20th Anniversary event. Since each raid item costs 40 Timewarped Relic Coffer Keys, players will be able to purchase 3 raid items on each difficulty.

For more information on Blackrock Depths new and returning raid loot, check out the Blackrock Depths Raid Guide.

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Blackrock Depths Raid Guide

Classic Timewalking Loot

Players can earn a currency called Timewarped Badges to purchase new and returning timewalking mounts, pets, and appearances. 10 Timewarped Badges drop off of each boss in a timewalking dungeon or raid.

Players can spend their Timewarped Badges with Bobadormu located on the wooden pavilion in the Celebration Area. All timewalking loot will be level 541 for Level 80 characters. Here is all of the timewalking gear available for purchase. If your character is already geared beyond item level 541, you can still collect the transmogs.


Blackmetal Cape

25 Timewarped Badges


Freezing Band

25 Timewarped Badges


Holy Shroud

25 Timewarped Badges

Coldstone Slippers

25 Timewarped Badges

Aristocratic Cuffs

25 Timewarped Badges


Adventurer's Pith Helmet

25 Timewarped Badges

Feet of the Lynx

25 Timewarped Badges

Unearthed Bands

25 Timewarped Badges


Helm of Narv

25 Timewarped Badges

Caverndeep Trudgers

25 Timewarped Badges

Silmescale Bracers

25 Timewarped Badges


Mugthol's Helm

25 Timewarped Badges

Boots of Avoidance

25 Timewarped Badges

Runed Golem Shackles

25 Timewarped Badges

Weapons and Shields

Bow of Searing Arrows

100 Timewarped Badges

Gut Ripper

50 Timewarped Badges

Alcor's Sunrazor

50 Timewarped Badges

Lefty's Brass Knuckle

50 Timewarped Badges

Precisely Calibrated Rifle

100 Timewarped Badges

Axe of the Deep Woods

50 Timewarped Badges

Flurry Axe

50 Timewarped Badges

Grimlock's Charge

100 Timewarped Badges

Redbeard Crest

30 Timewarped Badges

Elemental Mage Staff

100 Timewarped Badges

Warden Staff

100 Timewarped Badges

Pendulum of Doom

100 Timewarped Badges

Lightforged Blade

100 Timewarped Badges

Crimson Shocker

100 Timewarped Badges

Blizzard has also added appearances that were exclusive to Season of Discovery:

Runed Ice Dirk


1500 Timewarped Badges

Sermons of the Naaru


1500 Timewarped Badges

Farstrider's Huntsblade


1500 Timewarped Badges

Doomwail Reaper


2500 Timewarped Badges

Emberswirl Bulwark


2000 Timewarped Badges

Gilded Drakecrest Shield


2000 Timewarped Badges

Doomreaper's Scythe


2500 Timewarped Badges

Kirin Tor Adept's Stave


2500 Timewarped Badges

Tusked Branch of War


2500 Timewarped Badges

Bearded Branch of Lore


2500 Timewarped Badges

Claymore of the Knight's Pledge

Two-Handed Sword

2500 Timewarped Badges

The Frayfeather Hippogryph is a new Flying Mount available for 5000 Timewarped Badges. The Frayfeather Hippogryph can be purchased from Bobadormu on the wooden pavilion in Tanaris.

how to get the frayfeather hippogryph wow, new mounts wow, wow 20th anniversary mounts, wow 20th anniversary events.
The Frayfeather Hippogryph, Wowhead

New and returning mounts are only part of the WoW 20th Anniversary Celebration. Players can also collect pets and appearances from previous anniversaries, and Vanilla transmogs for every class.

Players will also be able to purchase the following nostalgic items from Bobadormu:

  • Practice Ravager toy

  • Misty companion

  • Craggles companion

  • Mohawk Grenade

  • Noggenfogger Elixir

  • Deviate Fish

  • Savory Deviate Delight

  • Kreeg's Hardy Draught

The WoW 20th Anniversary events give players a break from fighting arachnid and the malicious harbinger of the void in the dark depths of the Nerubian Empire. Players can instead enlist with Chromie to defeat old enemies and face Azeroth's dangers in the Chromie's Codex event, available in Group Finder.

Players can find the rest of the celebration area in Tanaris, the capital city of the Caverns of Time. Discover many more hidden wonders during the World of Warcraft anniversary events and in The War Within!

You may also be interested in these related articles:

How to Get Crackling Shards and the Alunira Mount
How to Get Crackling Shards and the Alunira Mount

QuestAccepted! is a PC gaming news source with guides for popular games like World of Warcraft, Stardew Valley, Silent Hill 2, and more. This information is subject to future changes by Blizzard.

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