The Guest Relations Side Questlines are part of World of Warcraft's 20th Anniversary Celebration. There are 9 side questlines to complete in total - and completing them all with reward players with the achievement Assistant to the Assistant Guest Relations Manager.
If players want to get the rare and still unavailable mount Incognitro, the Indecipherable Felcycle, they will need to complete all 9 Guest Relations side quests and earn the Assistant to the Assistant Guest Relations Achievement. This is a complete guide with spoilers on how to complete all 9 side quests.
Now that the WoW 20th Anniversary is over, Alyx has moved to Dornogol. You can still complete all quests needed to obtain Incognitro, the Indecipherable Felcycle and turn in Celebration Crates. Alyx is located near the hot springs in Dornogol north of the Delver's headquarters.

Blizzard confirmed that players will need to obtain the 'Detective' title in order to unlock the green Felcycle. In order to get the Detective title, players must get the achievement "Azeroth's Greatest Detective" by completing two of the following Guest Relations achievements:
Assistant to the Assistant Guest Relations Manager
Crate Insurance Agent
I Saved the Party and All I Got Were These Lousy Hats
No Crate Left Behind
There are 9 total side quests that players will have to complete to earn credit for the Assistant to the Assistant Guest Relations Manager Achievement.
Table of Contents:
The Case of Misfortune
The first Guest Relations side quest does NOT start with a quest from Alyx. Instead, players should look for the scattered Darkmoon cards around the Celebration Area. Looting a Darkmoon card will trigger a new dialogue with Alyx, and she will point you to Alphonse Constant.
Alphonse will give you the quest Deck Dismay, where you'll use the Idol of Ohn'ahra to track down 10 different Darkmoon Cards. The specific locations are:
Six of Frost is located next to Alyx
Six of Fire is to the right of Leeroy Jenkin's chicken stall
Five of Fire is by the seats in the Story Time area
Four of Earth is between the two caravans in the entrance
Eight of Fire is behind Brivelthwerp near the ice-skating rink
Three of Fire is buried in a sand pile by the outhouse
Seven of Fire is under the Fashion Frenzy stage
Two of Fire is under one of the seats in the Story Time area
Two of Air is found by the Fashion Frenzy stage.
Turning in these 10 cards to Alphonse will complete the quest and the first node for the Assistant to the Assistant Guest Relations Manager achievement.
The Case of a Good Book
Players can now talk to Alyx to start the second side quest, beginning with the quest Torn Dreams. You will then get the quest Restoring a Grand Tale that has two potential solutions:
You can either purchase a Pristine Copy of Green Hills of Stranglethorn from Cravitz Lorent under the Fashion Frenzy stage - or you can use the Idol of Ohn'ahra to track down the individual missing pages.
If you want to find all the pages yourself, here are their locations:
Pages 6 and 11 are random drops from the Anniversary World Bosses
Page 16 is by the dog bowl in the Pet Corner
Page 18 is by the Hearthstone Board in the Story Time area
Page 21 is next to the Outhouse
Pages 25 and 27 drop from Sand Devils inside the Caverns of Time
After you assemble a complete book, turn the quest in to Raenie Fizzlebog.
The Loud and Smelly Case
Pick up the quest A Hozen on My Back from Alyx, which points players to Riko in the Pet Corner. Pick up the quest The Case of Fur-Getting Wikket to continue this side questline. Riko desperately wants a raccoon for a pet, while is companion doesn't want a living pet, per se.
Maru points the player to Breanni, a pet expert in the Celebration Area. Breannie will suggest that you talk to Sully 'The Pickle' McLeary who is located under the Fashion Frenzy stage.
Sully will give you coordinates for your Tricked Out Thinking Cap in Pandaria, which will eventually lead you to a grave on top of a mountain in the Jade Forest. Use the Torch of Pyrreth to reveal the Ghost of Gizmo. Catch Gizmo and return to the Celebration Area to show Riko. This will complete the quest The Case of Fur-Getting Wicket and the 3rd Guest Relations side quest.
5 minutes later, you will also get Gizmo as a companion in the mail!
The Case of an Old Soul
Pick up the quest Nola's Last Wish from Alyx, which will send you to Lashk. Scrollsage Nola is famous for the words "A turtle has made it to the water!" and she has unfortunately passed away. The Tortaka need your help carrying out her final wishes.
Once you arrive in the Tortaka Village in Vol'dun, you can use your Idol of Ohn'ahra to track down a set of scrolls with Nola's Last Wish. The coordinates on this scroll lead you to an underwater location in Zuldazar.
Nola's Last Wish is a quest item that you can use here to summon Scrollsage Nola. Her last wish was to see the underwater Tortollan wedding, confirming that her line of Tortolla will live on after her death. You can turn the quest in now to Lashk at the Celebration Area to complete the 4th Guest Relations side quest.
The Case of Great Aspirations
First, players should pick up the side quest A Legacy of Destruction from Alyx on the wooden pavilion in the Celebration Area. Alyx tells you that a whelpling is causing all kinds of destruction in the Pet Corner and asks you to check it out. Head to the Pet Corner and meet Voidfire, a black whelpling that wants to become the next Deathwing.
Maru will give you directions to several locations around Azeroth where Deathwing caused destruction to try and persuade Voidfire otherwise. This will take players to the Ruins of Thaurissan, the Scar of the Worldbreaker, and the Twilight Breach.
Finally, players will need to get to the ruins of Vashj'ir. If you didn't play during original Cataclysm, you will need to do a small quest chain to unlock the Earthbound portals in either Orgrimmar or Stormwind. This quest chain can be started at any of the Hero boards in these two cities.
Take the Earthbound portal to the Ruins of Vashj'ir, and you'll convince Voidfire to not destroy the world. Turn the quest in to complete The Case of Great Aspirations.
The Case of a Feathered Friend
Pick up the quest A Bird's Tale from Alyx, which will send you to Rashad. He gives you the quest A Bird's Tail, which gives you the task of finding the Burnt Feather. The Burnt Feather is found at the top of the Windswept Terrace in the Spires of Arak. The Burnt Feather will be next to a bonfire near a sundial.
If you're ever unsure of where to go, use the Tricked Out Thinking Cap to get coordinates for the next clue.
The Burnt Feather gives players a tip to go to Shattrath to get the Plucked Feather. The Plucked Feather is at the side of the Battle for Shattrath. This feather is on a cliff overlooking a lake west of Shattrath City.
Next, you'll need to find the Frozen Feather. The Frozen feather is on top of a mountain near the Elemental Plateau in Nagrand.
Finally, players will need to track down the Normal Feather, and the next clue will take you to Frostfire Ridge. The Normal Feather is on a cliff near the docks of the Horde Garrison. Take the Normal Feather back to Reshad in the Celebration Area to complete the quest.
The Case of the Missing Mementos
For the 7th Guest Relations side quest, we finally get to open the chest that's next to Alyx! She has been in charge of the lost-and-found, and she has 5 items that she wants you to return to their rightful owners.
All of these NPC's are in the Celebration Area.
Mankrik is in line at the bar next to the Story Time area and should get the Crudy Ivory Locket.
John. J. Keeshan is near the Mount Mania stage and should get the Jade Amulet.
Marin Noggenfogger patrols a set path around the Celebration Area and should get the Potion Bottle.
Oglethorpe Obnoticus is by the toy stall and should get the Tiny Mechanical Mouse.
Farmer Yoon is also by the Mount Mania stage and should get the Well-Worn Almanac.
Returning all 5 Missing Mementos completes the 7th Guest Relations side quest.
The Case of the Pet Games
Pick up the quest Pet Pursuit from Alyx, and she will send you to Jepetto Joybuzz in the Pet Battle area. He will give you the quest Battle Pet Bingo and task you with finding two battle pets.
The first pet is a Jumping Spider in the Jade Forest, specifically in the Bamboo Wilds. There will be a Jumping Spider to interact with. It is resting on a couple pieces of bamboo to the east of Pearlfin Village.
The second pet is also in Pandaria in Kun-Lai Summit. Go to the top of Mount Neverest to find the Summit Kid. Interact with the goat to earn credit for the quest. Turn the quest back in to Jepetto to complete this World of Warcraft Guest Relations side quest.
The Case of Staged Disaster
The final Guest Relations Side Quest starts with Not Ready on Set, given by Alyx. She will direct you to Dapperdew at the Star Lake Ampitheater in Ardenweald. Ardenweald is also where the Mists of Tirna Scithe dungeon is, so you can easily take the Timeways portal there.
Dapperdew will give you the quest The Show Must Go On, and task you with finding 4 hidden items around the Amphitheater:
The Play Script is backstage on a table with a pink lamp and a cup.
The Prop Sword is the audience area of the Ampitheater under the Winter Queen's throne
The Mask of the Trickster is backstage and to the right of the pink lamp
The Conductor's Baton is in the musician's area next to the Drum
Turn in these four items to Dapperdew and you will complete the 9th Guest Relations side quest and earn the achievement Assistant to the Assistant Guest Relations Manager!
If you need to catch up on your main Guest Relations quests, here are complete guides for each chapter:
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