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How to Start a Blog and Stick with It for an Entire Year

"How to start a blog in less than one hour!" "How to make $300,000 a month with a Pinterest blog!" "I made $10,000 my first month blogging doing this 1 simple thing!"

These are the headlines of some of the most popular blog tip influencers on social media. If you've ever wanted to start a blog, you've probably done a quick search on Pinterest, TikTok, or Google and seen some of this same click-bait.

how to start a blog
Sarah Ertelt, author of the 52-Week Blog

As someone who created a blog without investing in a course, I can tell you one thing: starting a blog is HARD. Blogging to make passive income is the same thing as being an entrepreneur. It means giving up your precious free time after your 9-5 to work on your blog instead of bingeing a show (you can do both, though!). It means setting alarms on the weekend to write instead of sleep in. It means feeling disappointed when your website traffic dips for a month or two and feeling equally ecstatic when your first blog post hits 10,000 views.

Do I make $300,000 a month? Not yet. But I also made about a million mistakes along the way that I could've prevented if I had done a little more research and been a little more patient.

At one point in my first year, I got so discouraged from my website traffic dipping that I gave up for 4 months. I deleted all the apps from my phone and literally didn't check my blog or Pinterest for 4 months. In January, inspired by the promise that a new year brings, I decided to just take a peek. Imagine my surprise when my Pinterest blog said 1 MILLION monthly views! All while I was stubbornly not working on my blog.

That's the reason why blogging is such a great way to make passive income: your blog keeps working even when you don't.

Unlike TikTok, where your videos have a tiny window of time to catch on and then stay in the 200-view graveyard forever, blog posts ramp up over time. A lot of the most popular pins you see on Pinterest are actually YEARS old!

Starting a blog takes a lot longer than an hour, and other blog-starting courses only get you that far. When I created this course, I wanted to offer eager readers who want to work for themselves something MORE, something real, which is why I created the 52-Week Blog course.

Forget the first hour of starting your blog. This in-depth course guides you through setting up your blog, organizing your weekly schedule to see where you can squeeze in hours to write, AND a 52-week planner to outline an entire year's worth of blog posts.

Even with all the mistakes I made, here are some of my real achievements from my first year of blogging, ones that you can expect for yourself with this 52-week course:

  • 1 million monthly views on Pinterest pins

  • 2500-3000 monthly website visitors within 3 months

  • Blog posts showing on the first page of a Google search for that topic

  • Blog posts reaching 10,000 views in the first year

I created this course to help new aspiring entrepreneurs benefit from all the mistakes that I made. If you’re here reading this, you’re already brave, innovative, and courageous enough to even think of venturing out on your own and starting your own business!

Whether you’re working full time, raising a family, or are still in school as a student, you HAVE the time to start and maintain a blog, even if you don’t know it yet. The planner at the end of this course will help you decide how much time you have to commit to a blog and how to schedule that into your week! 

The 52-Week Blog Course has more information packed into it than $200 courses from other creators. I wanted you to be able to start your blog for as close to free as possible, for as little as $1/week. The 52-Week Blog is has over $300 of modules, templates and bonus content for only $52!

The bonus content included with your purchase of the 52-week course is:

  • 150 profitable blog niche ideas

  • 5 viral Pinterest pin templates to use week after week

  • A weekly planner

  • The 52-week blog post planner

If you're ready to start working for yourself, make passive income without worrying about going viral, and commit to writing one blog post a week for the next year, let's get started together with the 52-Week Blog!

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