Furious Flarendo is one of the coolest boss designs in the newest World of Warcraft raid Liberation of Undermine. Players can obtain a fire-breathing mechanical dinosaur of their own in Patch 11.1 of World of Warcraft: The War Within!
Here's how to obtain the Furious Flarendo mount and all the other rewards in the Gallagio Loyalty Rewards Club!

The new city of Undermine is launching today, February 25th in World of Warcraft: The War Within, bringing a new city, new mounts, new achievements, and another renown track. The Gallagio Loyalty Rewards Club is the new renown track in Undermine.
Getting in good with Gallywix will unlock a ton of rewards including a portal to the raid, raid buffs, and mounts.
Furious Flarendo is a mount modeled after the mechanical T-rex boss in Cauldron of Carnage, the second boss encounter in the Liberation of Undermine raid. The Furious Flarendo mount is unlocked after reaching Renown 20 with the Gallagio Loyalty Rewards Club.
After reaching max renown in Undermine, you'll be rewarded by being able to purchase this mount from Ando the Gat. Reaching Renown 20 also rewards players with a teleport to raid and the title "High Roller."
There are two other mounts players will obtain while trying to reach max renown to obtain Furious Flarendo.
Thunderdrum Misfire is a rocket mount that players will be able to purchase after reaching renown rank 8:

And Darkfuse Chompactor is a ground mount that players can purchase after reaching renown rank 17:

Here are all of the rewards players will receive while progressing through the Gallagio Loyalty Rewards Club renown track.
Players will be able to farm a maximum of 5,000 reputation by defeating bosses inside the Liberation of Undermine on any difficulty. The remaining reputation will be obtained by doing your daily chores at the Incontintenal Hotel.
In patch 11.1 of The War Within, Blizzard is also adding a Renown Global Cap. This adds a catch-up system for players that fall behind on renown.
Renown Rank 1: All professions tables, vendors, and a crafting order specialist become available at the Incontinental Hotel
Renown Rank 2: Consume food 100% faster while inside the Liberation of Undermine and gain access to the busted Rune Dispenser inside the hotel. This rune machine has a chance to drop a Crystallized Augment Rune.
Renown Rank 3: Transmog and item upgrade vendors become available inside the hotel.
Renown Rank 4: Receive a Gallagio Loyalty Rewards Card, a Hearthstone to the Incontintental Hotel. Gain 3% damage and healing inside the Liberation of Undermine raid.
Renown Rank 5: Unlock a raid skip. If you have defeated Mug'Zee on the current difficulty, a skip unlocks after Vexie and the Geargrinders to skip between bosses 7 and 8.
Renown Rank 6: Gain 10% movement speed while inside the Liberation of Undermine (outside of combat.) Gain access to self-resurrection outside of combat.
Renown Rank 7: Gain 6% damage and healing inside the Liberation of Undermine raid.
Renown Rank 8: Gain access to the Thunderdrum Misfire mount.
Renown Rank 9: Gain access to the Fun-Sized Flarendo and Tiny Torq battle pets.
Renown Rank 10: Gain 9% damage and healing inside the Liberation of Undermine raid.
Renown Rank 11: Gain 20% movement speed while out of combat in the Liberation of Undermine. Get one Counterfeit Dealer's Chip to trade for a weapon appearance.
Renown Rank 12: A Goblin inside the raid gives you Hot Sauce, a damage proc that scales with your raid consumables like Well Fed/Flask/Potion.
Renown Rank 13: Gain 12% damage and healing inside in the Liberation of Undermine.
Renown Rank 14: The busted Rune Dispenser inside the Incontintental Hotel always gives you a Crystallized Augment Rune.
Renown Rank 15: Receive a second Counterfeit Dealer's Chip to trade for a cosmetic appearance. The One-Armed Bandit now has a chance to drop more Counterfeit Dealer's Chips.
Renown Rank 16: Gain 16% damage and healing inside the Liberation of Undermine raid.
Renown Rank 17: Gain access to the Darkfuse Chompactor mount
Renown Rank 18: Gain 30% increased movement speed outside of combat in the Liberation of Undermine raid. An Auctioneer becomes available at the hotel.
Renown Rank 19: Gain 18% damage and healing inside the Liberation of Undermine raid (max)
Renown Rank 20: Gain access to the Furious Flarendo mount, the title High Roller, and a Teleport to the raid's entrance.
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