Incognitro, the Indecipherable Felcycle is the ultimate reward offered during WoW's 20th Anniversary - requiring different achievements, titles, battle pets, and items found throughout Azeroth. There are still 4 pylons left to the solved on the clock, and this mount already seems borderline impossible to get as it requires having a ton of specific items.
Now that the WoW 20th Anniversary is over, Alyx has moved to Dornogol. You can still complete all quests needed to obtain Incognitro, the Indecipherable Felcycle and turn in Celebration Crates. Alyx is located near the hot springs in Dornogol north of the Delver's headquarters.
If you're worried about the looming end to the WoW 20th Anniversary celebration event, don't fret too much. Blizzard has confirmed that Incognitro will still be obtainable after the event ends in January 2025.
With some patience, careful planning, and a few trips to the Auction House, Incognitro, the Indecipherable Felcycle can be yours! This complete guide covers the following:
Everything you need before starting the quest chain
Completing the prologue
1 O'Clock - Love
2 O'Clock - Pray
3 O'Clock - Hate
4 O'Clock - Doom
5 O'Clock - Muffin
6 O'Clock - Altars
7 O'Clock - Watchers
8 O'Clock - Rats
9 O'Clock - Get the felcycle!
10-12 - Unlock flying on the felcycle?
Where is the purple felcycle?
This guide was most recently updated on 1/8/2025 and 9 out of the 12 pylons have been solved! Players will receive Incognitro, the Indecipherable Felcycle after completing the 9th pylon, but only as a ground mount. Although it hasn't been confirmed, players are speculating that solving the rest of the puzzle will unlock flying.

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Everything you need before starting the quest chain
If you want to save time during this lengthy quest line, try to have all these items on hand before you start solving the pylons:
The Detective Title. This title is obtained by completing two of the four Guest Relations achievements.
Perky Pug. This pet is the reward for the achievement "Looking for Multitudes." Use Dungeon Finder to finish random heroic dungeons until you've grouped up with 100 random people to receive the Perky Pug pet
The Dogg-Saron costume or the Yipp-Saron costume. These costumes for Perky Pug are sold by Vashti the Wandering Merchant in Azsuna
The Twitching Eyeball. This is a BFA toy that you can collect after finding the Azsharon Medallion. The Twitching Eyeball is the reward for completing the following questline in BFA:

The Fishing profession.
As many of the "lucky items" as possible. The Lucky Horseshoe, Lucky Tortollan Charm, Lucky Dragon's Claw, Lucky Rat's Tooth, Lucky Charm, Lucky Shirt, and Lucky Duck can be purchased from the Auction House.
A Scroll of Fel Binding from Vashti the Wandering Merchant (not needed if you're a warlock or can recruit one)
The Fledgling Warden Owl. This pet can be purchased if you have Revered reputation with the Wardens or can be bought from the Auction House.
3 of these pets (leveled to 25) - Spyragos, Nelthara, Wicker Pup, Taptaf, Terky, Gurgl, Glimr, Snowclaw Cub, Jenafur, Bumbles, Sun Darter Hatchling, or B'aal. Spyragos, Nelthara, and the Wicker Pup are three easy pets to get if you don't have any from the list.
Items for the Alters for Pylon 6 O'Clock
How to complete the Prologue
You've probably seen plenty of snippets on Facebook and Wowhead of people standing next to Incognitro with some of pylons lit up. Here's how to get to the room with Incognitro:
Travel to Un'Goro Crater and use the Torch of Pyrreth to find the Inert Peculiar Key
Equip the Detective Title
Speak with the Dalaran Survivor in Dornogol to get the quest "Ratts' Race"
Pick up the Unfinished Note in Azj-Kahet
Pick up the Hastily Scrawled Note in Azj-Kahet
Go to the cave near the border of Hallowfall and Azj-Kahet to pick up the Water-Resistant Note
Enter the hidden cave in Azj-Kahet to find Ratts. She will drop the Peculiar Gem.
Combine the Inert Key and the Peculiar Gem in your bag to get the Peculiar Key
Go to the Karazhan Catacombs entrance and use the Torch of Pyrreth to reveal the hidden entrance to Ratts' Revenge. From there you can start working on the pylons.
1 O'Clock - Love
Visit the 3 locations below and use the Torch of Pyrreth. You should get a stack of The Light of their Love at each location. Once you have all three stacks, the first pylon will activate.
Humble Monument in Northern Barrens
Olgra in Nagrand Draenor
Decimator Olgra in Maldraxxus
2 O'Clock - Pray
Go to the Ny'alotha Obelisk in Vale of Eternal Blossoms. If you're in a party, only one person has to complete these steps if you're standing together.
Summon Perky Pug
Put the Dogg-Saron costume on him
Use the Twitching Eyeball toy
Target the Ny'alotha Obelisk and /pray
This will add the Key of Shadows to your inventory
This key opens two extra rooms in Karazhan Catacombs and lights the second pylon.
3 O'Clock - Hate
Bring your lucky items to the now unlocked Chamber Door in Karazhan Catacombs
There is a bowl of Astral Soup on a shelf. Use the fishing ability near the bowl until your bobber lands in the soup. You should get an Astral Key
Open the Astral Chest to get the Starry-Eyed Goggles. Learn the toy.
Interact with the Decryption Consoles next to the chest to get the buff Input Sentence
Enter the codes below until you get 9 Pieces of Hate. Entering a correct code will unlock the next container
Once you have all 9 Pieces of Hate, the third pylon will be lit.
4 O'Clock - Doom
Bring a Scroll of Fel Binding or a Warlock to Uther's Tomb in Western Plaguelands. Summon a Doomguard either with the Scroll of Fel Binding or a Warlock that can cast Ritual of Doom. Click on any of the hidden marks that appear when the Doomguard is summoned to light the fourth pylon.
5 O'Clock - Muffin
The fifth pylon is where you will need a team of Secret Pets leveled up to 25.
Go to the Timeless Isle and find the entrance to the Cave of the Lost Spirits
Inside you will find Zarhym. Speak to him to enter the spirit realm.
Do not touch anything in the spirit realm. Find Jeremy Feasel in the back of the cave and challenge him to a pet battle.
Once beaten, he will give you the quest Master of Secrets. Follow this quest to get the reward the Golden Muffin
Take your 9 Pieces of Hate and the Golden Muffin to Booty Bay and speak with the Pointless Treasure Salesman.
Purchase the Relic of Crystal Connections from him, completing this pylon and unlocking the room in Ratts Revenge with the Humming Crystal above it.
If Darkmoon Faire is up (which is currently is!) you can find Jeremy Feasel on Darkmoon Island. You can battle him there and skip the steps to find him in the spirit realm.
6 O'Clock - Altars
There are 5 altars in Zul'gurub, each requiring players to present 3 items. Zul'gurub is located in Northern Stranglethorn. Be sure to bring everything you need so you don't have to go back and forth. Use the Torch of Pyrreth at each altar to see the NPC. You will know the NPC is pleased when they say "The spirit departs, satisfied with your acquisitions."
Once all 5 NPCs have been appeased, use the Starry-Eyed Goggles to see a spectral chest. Loot the chest for the Ancient Shaman Blood to activate the 6th pylon.
Altar Requirements:
Blood Altar - Any mount with "blood" in the name, any pet with the blood in the name, and the Throbbing Blood Orb toy
Corrupt Altar - Any mount with "corrupt" in the name, any pet with corrupt in the name, the transmog Cloak of Overwhelming Corruption
Lust Altar - Sister of Temptation pet, Steamy Romance Novel Kit toy, fully naked for the transmog or under the effects of Moroes' Famous Polish
Sin Altar - Sinheart pet, Bondable Sinstone toy, any Venthyr Sinstone cloak transmog
Void Altar - One of the void pets (Lesser Voidcaller, Voidwiggler, Sir Shady Mrrgglton Junior), Shadowy Disguise or Void Totem toy, any cloak that looks like the Cloak of the Black Void
7 O'Clock - Watchers
Go to the Isle of Watchers in Azsuna and summon the Fledgling Warden Owl. Interact with the Owl of the Watchers statues until you collect a red, purple, green, and blue buff. Your owl pet will get a white spell effect on its head when you've successfully gotten all four buffs.
Enter the Vault of the Wardens dungeon and defeat every boss. After defeating Cordana Felsong, pick up the Light of Elune and go back to the first boss's room (Tirathon Saltheri). A hidden room on the way to Tirathon will now be open. Bring the Light of Elune orb and the Owl pet to the center of the hidden room and a Sentry Statue will spawn. Loot a Sentry Statue that will go into your inventory.
Head back to Glazer's boss room and put the Sentry Statue in the center of the ledge that overlooks the staircases. This will spawn a puzzle. The point of the puzzle is to lower all the statues down into their tile. Once complete, you will get the Warden's Mirror, completing the 7th pylon.
8 O'Clock - Rats
To unlock the 8th pylon, you will need to move around statues to solve 7 different puzzles. Put both the Warden's Mirror and the Ancient Shaman Blood in the Enigma Machine inside of Ratts' Revenge and click BEGIN and then SUBMIT.
Then, search all of Karazhan Catacombs for Rats. (Catacomb Rats do not count.) Kill every Rat and count how many there are. The rats don't respawn until it's time for the next puzzle, so killing them is an easy way to make sure you didn't miss any.
Depending on how many rats there were in the catacombs, move the statues to the pressure plates according to this table:
# of Rats | Lock #1 | Lock #2 | Lock #3 | Lock #4 | Lock #5 | Lock #6 | Lock #7 |
1 | 1 on 1 | 1 on 2 | 1 on 3 | 1 on 4 | 1 on 5 | 1 on 6 | 1 on 7 |
2 | 1 on 2 | 1 on 4 | 1 on 6 | 2 on 1 | 2 on 3 | 2 on 5 | 2 on 7 |
3 | 1 on 3 | 1 on 6 | 2 on 2 | 2 on 5 | 3 on 1 | 3 on 4 | 1 on 1 |
4 | 1 on 4 | 2 on 1 | 2 on 5 | 3 on 2 | 3 on 6 | 1 on 4 | 2 on 1 |
5 | 1 on 5 | 2 on 3 | 3 on 1 | 3 on 6 | 1 on 5 | 2 on 3 | 3 on 1 |
6 | 1 on 6 | 2 on 5 | 3 on 4 | 1 on 4 | 2 on 3 | 3 on 2 | 1 on 2 |
7 | 1 on 7 | 2 on 7 | 1 on 1 | 2 on 1 | 3 on 1 | 1 on 2 | 2 on 2 |
8 | 2 on 1 | 3 on 2 | 1 on 4 | 2 on 5 | 3 on 6 | 2 on 1 | 3 on 2 |
9 | 2 on 2 | 3 on 4 | 1 on 7 | 3 on 2 | 1 on 5 | 2 on 7 | 1 on 3 |
10 | 2 on 3 | 3 on 6 | 2 on 3 | 3 on 6 | 2 on 3 | 3 on 6 | 2 on 3 |
You have to complete the puzzle successfully 7 times in a row to unlock the 8th pylon. If you mess up, you'll have to restart and complete all 7 locks again. Make sure to remove all statues from the pressure plates before starting a new lock. They will not reset automatically!
Unlocking 7 mechanisms will complete the 8th pylon and unlock the the vault north of the orb room.
9 O'Clock - Unlocking the Felcycle
The ninth torch for the Incognitro puzzle has finally been solved. Secret finders have been working round the clock for weeks to decipher the Encrypted Chest that contains the keys to Incognitro.
To complete Torch 9, head to a Rabbit Hole in Azj-Kahet and use the Starry-Eyed Goggles to reveal a hidden platform. Use the Relic of Crystal Connections to climb the platform.
/way #2255 56.38 17.42 Rabbit Hole
On the platform, you'll find a Decryption Console and an Encrypted Chest next to it. The code for the Encrypted Chest is 84847078.
Opening that chest will give you the Keys to Incognitro, the Indecipherable Felcycle!

Where is the purple felcycle?
With the release of patch 11.0.5 and the WoW 20th Anniversary Celebration, three different colors of Felcycles were data mined, one purple, one green, and one red.
We now know that the Hateforged Blazecycle is part of the Mountain Dew Game Fuel promotion for WoW's 20th Anniversary, costing 600 points. Read more about what Mountain Dew products are included in the promotion to get the Hateforged Blazecycle.
There was also a third purple Felcycle data mined back in September 2024, but Blizzard hasn't revealed anything about the third Fel Reaver Motocycle so far. This seems to be the color that everyone is asking about, but nothing has been released yet.
All we know about the purple Fel Reaver Motorcycle is that players will be able to get it as a part of the WoW 20th Anniversary Celebration, which is going until January 2025. This article will be updated as soon as Blizzard releases more information to keep it saved for later.

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QuestAccepted! is a PC gaming news source with guides for popular titles like World of Warcraft, Diablo IV, and STALKER 2. Information is subject to change.