Chapter 2 of the Guest Relations questline has players traveling all over Azeroth looking for lost toys. Thankfully players will be rewarded with plenty of Bronze Celebration Tokens and become closer to completing the Guest Relations Achievement "I Saved the Party and All I Got Were These Lousy Hats!"
Now that the WoW 20th Anniversary is over, Alyx has moved to Dornogol. You can still complete all quests needed to obtain Incognitro, the Indecipherable Felcycle and turn in Celebration Crates. Alyx is located near the hot springs in Dornogol north of the Delver's headquarters.
It's been rumored that the end of the Guest Relations storyline will reward players will Incognitro, the Indecipherable Felcycle, but it hasn't been confirmed yet. Either way, players should complete the Guest Relations questline just in case!
Guest Relations is a questline that's part of the World of Warcraft 20th Anniversary Celebration. If you haven't started Guest Relations yet, talk to Alyx on the wooden pavilion in Tanaris to start the Tutorial questline. There will be 4 total chapters in the Guest Relations questline, with each chapter completing an achievement node in I Saved the Party and All I Got Were These Lousy Hats!
If you need to catch up, here are the other Guest Relations Guides:
If you're ready for Chapter 2 of Guest Relations, read the guide below!

This Guest Relations guide covers:
Chapter 2 Day 1: Operation Toy Rescue
Chapter 2 Day 2: The Toy Thief
Locations for Celebration Crates 1-6
Azeroth Secrets Resources
Chapter 2 Day 1: Operation Toy Rescue
Pick up the beginning quest for Chapter 2 of Guest Relations "Toy Trouble" with Alyx on the wooden celebration pavilion asking you to talk to Maru. Turn in Toy Trouble to Maru and get the main quest "Operation Toy Rescue." Players are tasked with finding missing/stolen toys all over Azeroth.
First, players will be heading back to the Dragon Isles to talk to Yennu, a tiny tuskarr.
First head to the Waking Shores to the Dragonscale Basecamp. Use the Idol of Ohn'ahra to guide you to a missing letter from Yennu's Snackbook. The missing page vaguely mentions going South. Land near Maruukai in the Ohn'ahran Plains and the Idol of Ohn'arhra will lead you the rest of the way to a dirt pile along a creek to find Yennu's Ball.
Return the ball to Yennu and you'll get your next task, which will vary between Alliance and Horde players.
Alliance Players: Head to Boralus to talk to Kenshi, a kitty missing his ball of yarn. He will cough balls of yarn to guide you there - a tree in Proudmoore Keep.
Horde Players: Head to the Hall of Beasts in Dazar'alor to talk to Nuts, a squirrel missing his Plush Toy. He will also cough up balls of yarn to guide you to a tree overlooking a waterfall to find the toy.
Chapter 2 Day 2: The Toy Thief
Talk to Alyx again to start the quest "The Final Toy" which leads you to Maru to start the quest "The Toy Thief." This leg of the questline also differs between Horde and Alliance players:
Alliance Players: Head back to Boralus to talk to the cat's owner Catherine Morgan. She will have you go back to the tree where you found the Ball of Yarn. Use the Idol of Ohn'ahra next to the tree and it will lead you to Urban Planner Volrath who will give you a Bakar Sketch.
Horde Players: Head back to Nuts the squirrel and talk to Matan, who will tell you to go back to the tree where you found the Plush Toy. Use the Idol of Ohn'ahra next to the tree and it will lead you to a Bakar Sketch laying on the ground.
With the Bakar Sketch, all players should head back to Maru and use a Spiritual Incense to reveal the next clue. Players are going back to the Ohn'ahran Plains in the Dragon Isles.
In Maruukai, talk to Hearthkeeper Berulan, and he will lead you to Getseng, the trainer of a mischievous Bakar pup. Head to the mountain top overlooking Maruukai where Ohn'ahra's statue is, and you'll find Bakar's Chew Toy.
Next, head to Teerakai, where you'll find a Toy Box. Add the Chew Toy to the Toy Box and the Bakar Pup will pop out from hiding and lead you to his massive toy collection in a nearby cave! Collect Maru's Toy from the toy pile and complete the quest back with Maru in Tanaris.
Celebration Crate Locations Discovered So Far
Celebration Crates are part of Azeroth's Secrets and players all over the world have been scouring for clues. So far, 6 Celebration Crates have been discovered in World of Warcraft: The War Within, and the clues and locations are below:
Celebration Crate #1 - Zuldazar. The first clue leads you to the Dive Bar, just below Dazar'alor in Zuldazar. Purchase a Clam Digger drink from the barkeep and bring it to Gerald upstairs. Give Gerald the drink and the Conch will open up to give you the first crate.
Celebration Crate #2 - Desolace. This Celebration Crate can be found at the pin below but can only be seen while dead!

Celebration Crate #3 - Deadwind Pass. The call board next to Alyx in Tanaris will have a Dirt-Caked Ransom Note that will lead you to Deadwind Pass. The third Celebration Crate will be at the end of the Karazhan Crypts.
Celebration Crate #4 - Thousand Needles. The Sandy Ransom note leads players to the Rustmaul Dig Site, an archaeology site from Cataclysm that's now hidden under a lake in Thousand Needles. The dig site can be found at the pin below, where players will look the Water-Resistant Receipt. Take this receipt to Vashti the Wandering Merchant who patrols in Azsuna, and he will validate your Water-Resistant Receipt with the 4th Celebration Crate!

Celebration Crate #5 - Howling Fjord. There is a small quest with collecting two torn notes, but players can head straight to the crate location for this Celebration Crate in the Howling Fjord. This crate is located on the border between Grizzly Hills and the Howling Fjord. To the right of a cave full of wolves, there will be a crate nestled in the snow.
Celebration Crate #6 - Tanaris. The most recently discovered Celebration Crate is right in Tanaris. The Waterlogged Celebration Crate is found in an underwater building off the coast of Tanaris at the pin below.

WoW Secrets Discord
There are still plenty of secrets to uncover during the WoW 20th's Anniversary Celebration. Players can join the WoW Secret Finding & Collections Discord to see progress players are making with additional Celebration Crate locations!
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Tags: world of warcraft the war within, world of warcraft: the war within, the toy thief wow, the final toy wow, guest relations secrets guide, guest relations quests, guest relations chapter 1, guest relations chapter 2, wow 20th anniversary