Every Saturday, World of Warcraft players have the chance to compete in the Hallowfall Fishing Derby and get the old god Kah, Legend of the Deep mount as a reward! On top of getting Kah, Legend of the Deep, players also receive Mereldar Derby Marks that can be used to buy a transmog and other cosmetics.
This complete guide to the Hallowfall Fishing Derby explains:
How to start the Derby
How to use fishing food/phial buffs
Where to catch the rarest fish, the Awoken Coelacanth
Where to catch all 20 fish
Here's what you need to do to complete the Hallowfall Fishing Derby and Get the Derby Dash achievement:
Level up your fishing skill to at least 300, the skill level needed to catch the hardest fish, the Awoken Coelacanth
On Saturday, talk to Captain Oathmyt and get the Derby Dasher buff
Catch as many of the achievement fish as possible within the 60-minute buff
This achievement can be completed over multiple weeks, but ONLY ON THE SAME CHARACTER
Additionally, this quest can only be completed on one character per warband, per week
Every Saturday, just south of Mereldar, Captain Oathmyt will spawn with a quest called the Hallowfall Fishing Derby.
There are 5 potential quests that Captain Oathmyt can offer, each rewarding the player with 25 Mereldar Derby Marks that can be spent on Saturdays for transmogs and other cosmetics.
Captain Oathmyt gives players the buff Derby Dasher for 60 minutes. If you catch all 20 fish listed with the buff, you'll get the achievement The Derby Dash and the rare mount Kah, Legend of the Deep, as well as a permanent fishing buff.
Since players only have 60 minutes with the Derby Dasher buff, it's important to have your fishing skill leveled up and guides ready before accepting the quest!
How to catch the Awoken Coelacanth:
If you're new to leveling up professions, thankfully Captain Oathmyt is also a Fishing skill trainer, and you can level up your fishing profession with her. Prepared players with a fishing skill of about 350 along with a food buff noted that they caught almost all the fish needed in 1-2 tries and completed the achievement in 2 Saturdays.
Although almost all of the fish can be caught with a lower fishing skill, the Awoken Coelacanth requires at least a 300-level fishing skill, perception buffs, and the Whispers of the Deep buff.
Players can get the Whispers of the Deep buff by throwing 10 Whispering Stargazers in any water in Azj-Kahet. Whispering Stargazers are an uncommon fish that be caught anywhere in the Isle of Dorn or bought on the Auction House.
The Whisper of the Deep buff lasts for 5 minutes, so I would recommend that players have enough Whispering Stargazers to last for at least 2 or 3 buffs.
The easiest place to catch the Awoken Coelacanth is the entrance to the Delve Tak-Rethan Abyss. After crossing the bridge, you should see a clickable Explorers' League Rope that will take you to the best fishing spot.
Fishing Profession Buffs:
On top of leveling their fishing skill, players can also use food to buff their skill and perception. The Ghoulfish Delight can be purchased from Captain Oathmyt for 10 Mereldar Derby Marks and instantly adds 75 fishing skill points and 150 perception for 1 hour.
The Phial of Truesight gives players an additional 75 perception for 1 hour and can be bought on the Auction House.
Although it's possible to catch the other 19 fish with a lower fishing skill, leveling up your skill increases fish rarity in general, making the rest of the achievement easier.
If players want to complete the Derby Dash achievement within a couple Saturdays, it's important to have the highest fishing level possible and all fishing buffs prepared.
For more information about fishing in The War Within, see Wowhead's fishing profession guide.
Catching All Other Derby Dasher Achievement Fish:
Including the rare Awoken Coelecanth, the Derby Dash achievement requires players to catch 4 common fish, 10 uncommon fish, and 6 rare fish throughout Khaz-Algar.
Although these fish can be bought and sold on the Auction House, players must catch these 20 fish with the Derby Dasher buff received from Captain Oathmyt to get the achievement and the Kah, Legend of the Deep mount.
To catch as many fish as possible within the 60-minute buff, it's easiest for players to have the Wowhead achievement guide pulled up that has locations listed for all the fish.
For a general overview, here are where you can get the 20 fish needed for the Derby Dash achievement:
Arathor Hammerfish (uncommon) - Blood in the Water pool in Hallowfall
Awoken Coelacanth (rare) - Anywhere in Azj-Kahet
Bismuth Bitterling (common) - Glimmerpools in the Isle of Dorn and the Ringing Deeps
Bloody Perch (common) - Almost all pools in Isle of Dorn, Ringing Deeps, and Hallowfall
Crystalline Sturgeon (common) - Glimmerpools in Isle of Dorn and the Ringing Deeps
Cursed Ghoulfish (rare) - Anywhere in Khaz-Algar
Dilly-Dally Dace (common) - Most pools in the Isle of Dorn, Ringing Deeps, and Hallowfall
Dornish Pike (uncommon) - Calm Surfacing Ripple pools in the Isle of Dorn, Ringing Deeps, and Hallowfall
Goldengill Trout (uncommon) - Most pools in the Isle of Dorn, the Ringing Deeps, Hallowfall, and Azj-Kahet
Kaheti Slum Shark (uncommon) - Blood in the Water and Slum Shark Swarm in Hallowfall and Azj-Kahet
Nibbling Minnow (uncommon) - Calm Surfacing Ripple in Isle of Dorn, Ringing Deeps, Hallowfall, and Azj-Kahet
Pale Huskfish (uncommon) - Infused Ichor Skill and Festering Rotpools in Azj-Kahet
Queen's Lurefish (rare) - Royal Ripple in Hallowfall and Azj-Kahet
Quiet River Bass (uncommon) - Calm Surfacing Ripple and River Bass Pool in Isle of Dorn and Ringing Deeps
Regal Dottyback (rare) - Royal Ripple in Hallowfall and Azj-Kahet
Royal Anglerseeker (uncommon) - Anglerseeker Torrents in Isle of Dorn, Ringing Deeps, Hallowfall, and Azj-Kahet
Sanguine Dogfish (rare) - Bloody Perch Swarm and Blood in the Water in Isle of Dorn, the Ringing Deeps, Hallowfall, and Azj-Kahet
Spectacular Rainbowfish (uncommon) - Glimmerpools in Isle of Dorn and Ringing Deeps
Spiked Sea Raven (rare) - Most pools in the Isle of Dorn and Hallowfall
Whispering Stargazer - Stargazer Swams in the Isle of Dorn, Ringing Deeps, and Hallowfall
Warband Limitations:
The weekly quests given by Captain Oathmyt are locked to one character per warband, and the achievement is tracked within one character as well.
This means players can't do the Hallowfall Fishing Derby on multiple characters per week, and players can't switch what character they are using week to week.
Completing the Derby Dash achievement and getting Kah, Legend of the Deep is 90% preparation. If players have their fishing skills leveled up to almost 300 and are prepared with perception buffs and fish locations, players can get the achievement and the rare mount, Kah, Legend of the Deep, within only a couple Saturdays!
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