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How to Complete 'Tat Big Meanie' and All Guest Relations Tutorial Quests in World of Warcraft: The War Within

Writer's picture: Sarah ErteltSarah Ertelt

Updated: Jan 8

World of Warcraft's 20th anniversary is full of in-game events, new and returning transmogs, and mini games for players to enjoy up until early January. The new Guest Relations event is a sequel to the Secrets of Azeroth - a detective quest where players were tasked with tracking down artifacts stolen in a heist.

Now that the WoW 20th Anniversary is over, Alyx has moved to Dornogol. You can still complete all quests needed to obtain Incognitro, the Indecipherable Felcycle and turn in Celebration Crates. Alyx is located near the hot springs in Dornogol north of the Delver's headquarters.

After solving the heist, players can now work with Alyx and a Tuskarr family to learn more secrets surrounding WoW's 20th anniversary. The first chapter of Guest Relations released on October 28th, inviting players to complete a tutorial quest chain. Alyx can be found on the wooden pavilion in the celebration area in Tanaris.

There are three tutorial quests that players must complete before searching for Celebration Crates: Tat Big Meanie quest, the Tweasure Hunt quest, and the Thoughtful Pursuits quest.

How to Complete 'Tat Big Meanie' and All 3 Guest Relations Quests in World of Warcraft: The War Within
How to Complete 'Tat Big Meanie' and All 3 Guest Relations Quests in World of Warcraft: The War Within

Upon completing the Guest Relations tutorial quest line, players will be able to start collecting Celebration Crates and working towards the quest's achievements! Players will also receive some free Celebration Tokens for completing the tutorial. This guide shows players where to find all the clue locations below:

  • Tat Big Meanie - All Clue Locations

  • Tweasure Hunt - All Treasure Locations

  • Thoughtful Pursuits - How to Escort Maru through the puzzle

To Start the Guest Relations quest chain, players should speak to Alyx on the wooden pavilion in Tanaris. This will activate the quest "Lost and Busy" that players will soon turn into Maru. Maru is located next to Leeroy's Chicken Stand.

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Alyx in the Celebration Area, How to Complete the Guest Relations Quest Line

Tat Big Meanie Clue Locations

The first Guest Relations quest is "Tat Big Meanie." Players are tasked with using the Idol of Ohn'ahra to help them solve the quest. Activate the idol in your bag and a bird will fly to the top of your head to help point you in the right direction towards clues.

These coordinates can either be put into the TomTom addon or you can read the descriptions by each one to find each clue:

Clue #1: Red Hair located at 62.12 51.78. The red hair is located behind the medical tent beside two crates.

Clue #2: Historic Tales poster at 62.02 51.53. Players need to read a poster that says, "Hear Historic Tales at the Storyteller Stage!". This poster is on the right post of the medical tent.

Clue #3: Ratts is located at 63.99 51.66. Ratts is a vulpera sitting on a bench at the Storytime Stage. Talk to Ratts and select any of the dialogue options to complete the clue.

Clue #4: Strange Torch located at 63.65 47.93. Ratts will let players know that the final clue is near the Fashion Frenzy area. A strange torch is lying on a rock next to the outhouse. Return to Maru to complete the quest and receive 2 Bronze celebration tokens!

Before getting the next Guest Relations quest, players will need to complete To Da Ruins! Turn in Tat Big Meanie to Maru and fly to the border of Uldum. Maru will now be there to accept the quest turn in and give players 'Da Stick of Revealing' and the Torch of Pyrreth needed for the next Guest Relations quest.

Tweasure Hunt Treasure Locations

This time, the Torch of Pyrreth will help guide players towards clues, or you can use these coordinates and location descriptions.

The Jeweled Eye is located at 40.89 70.58. Fly to the ruins called the Valley of the Watchers and approach the large head in the sand with a red jewel eye. Use the Torch of Pyrreth toy and the second Jeweled Eye will spawn in its socket.

Still next to the giant head in the Valley of the Watchers, head southeast to find a piece of amber. Use the torch near the amber to summon a Sandworm. Defeating it will let players loot its Cool Guts. Located at 42.19 71.94.

The Golden Chalice is located at 45.0 64.5. The second set of ruins is west of the Gaping Chasm. Follow the wall to a half-buried chest in the sand to find the Golden Chalice.

The fourth treasure is located at the ruins south of Gadgetzan. There is an ancient statue located at 52.18 45.41. Use the torch near the statue to activate it and it will turn hostile. Defeat the statue to loot a Fragment of the Ancient Statue. Return to Maru to turn in the quest and gain two more Bronze Celebration Tokens.

Thoughtful Pursuits Locations

For the third Guest Relations quest, players will just have to guide Maru to a few different locations around the Celebration Area.

Benatauk's Ocular Lenses are located in the balloon area at the 20th Anniversary celebration area. Stand next to Isaandrae and Maru will find the Ocular Lenses at 64.20 50.08.

Next, Benatauk's Thought Calculating Apparatus can be found behind the Fashion Frenzy stage at location 63.42 48.51.

Finally, head to the pet corner in the Celebration Area. Stand next to Taivan and Maru will find the Downy Helmet Liner at 61.53 49.95.

Turn in the quest for another 2 Bronze Celebration tokens. With all three Guest Relations tutorial quests completed, players can now buy Spiritual Incense from Benatauk. Pick up the quest A Wiff of Help, purchase some incense, and turn in the quest to Maru.

Finally, players can now use Alyx's clues to find Celebration Crates around Azeroth for the remainder of the 20th Anniversary event! Players can get two achievements from turning in Celebration Crates:

  • Crate Insurance Agent - Find and return 6 Celebration Crates

  • No Crate Left Behind - Find and return all Celebration Cates

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QuestAccepted! is a PC gaming news source with guides for popular games like World of Warcraft, Stardew Valley, Silent Hill 2, and more. This information is subject to future changes by Blizzard.

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