In the third chapter of the Guest Relations questline, players are sent to Booty Bay to collect ingredients for the Boonful Banquet. There are only 2 days in Chapter 3 of Guest Relations, and completing the steps below will reward you with Chapter 3 credit for the achievement "I Saved the Party and All I Got Were These Lousy Hats!"
Below is a complete guide on how to complete Day 1: Pirate Foods and Superstitions and Day 2: Pirate Gastronomy in World of Warcraft: The War Within.
Now that the WoW 20th Anniversary is over, Alyx has moved to Dornogol. You can still complete all quests needed to obtain Incognitro, the Indecipherable Felcycle and turn in Celebration Crates. Alyx is located near the hot springs in Dornogol north of the Delver's headquarters.

Guest Relations is a unique questline that is part of the World of Warcraft 20th Anniversary Celebration. Blizzard is releasing the next steps of the questline day by day while secret hunters are constantly tracking down more of the Celebration Crates.
Blizzard has hinted that upon completing the entire Guest Relations questline, players will be rewarded with Incognitro, the Indecipherable Felcycle.
If you need to catch up on the previous chapters of Guest Relations:
Chapter 3, Day 1 starts with picking up "A Pirate Predicament" from Alyx on the wooden pavilion in the Celebration Area. There's a group of Booty Bay Buccaneers that she is worried about crashing the party, and she asks you to speak with them.
Head north of the Celebration Area to speak with Bonenose and he will give you the recipe Pirate Foods and Superstitions.
How to get to Booty Bay: If you're an Alliance character, simply travel to Stormwind and use skyriding to fly down to Booty Bay. If you're a Horde character, take the Zeppelin in Orgrimmar to Stranglethorn Vale.
When you arrive in Booty Bay, talk to Kelsey Yance inside the Old Port Authority area. If for some reason the NPC is dead, you can also talk to Mrs. Gant to learn that the Boonful Banquet recipe is under a bunk bed in the bunk building.
After finding the Boonful Banquet recipe, take it to Scowling Rosa who patrols the main docks of Booty Bay. Looking for her with a /target macro will be even easier than using an addon.
Give the recipe to Scowling Rosa and she will tell you she needs to think on it. Pick up the next the quest A Pirate Missive which will send you back to Rosa in Booty Bay.
Rosa has deciphered the recipe:
2x Swiftthistle
2x Witchberries
1x Small Flame Sac
2x Aromatic Fish Oil
5x Bloodfin Catfish
4x Deviate Fish
2x Nettlefish
3x Furious Crawdad
All of these ingredients can be purchased from the Auction House. If you don't want to go about that route, here is how to find each ingredient yourself:
Swiftthistle can be gathered from Briarthorn and Mageroyal if you have Classic Herbalism.
Witchberries drop from Sauroks and Sprites in Pandaria.
Small Flame Sacs drop from Black Whelps. An easy to get one is by going to Eldreth Darter in Diremaul.
Aromatic Fish Oil comes from BFA fish like Sand Shifter or Slimy Mackerel.
Bloodfin Catfish can be caught in Deadwind Pass (max Classic Fishing skill is required).
Deviate Fish are caught in Northern Barrens and Wailing Caverns.
Nettlefish are caught anywhere in Sholazar Basin.
Furious Crawdads are found in the waters on top of mountains and Skettis in Terrokar Forest.
When you have all the ingredients, return to Bonenose near the Celebration Area. Bonenose will tell you there is one more secret ingredient, sending the player back to Northrend.
Head to Hrothgar's Landing just north of the Argent Tournament Grounds in Icecrown. Find the Tuskarr statue on the island and use your Tricked Out Thinking Cap. The toy leads you to a pile of ice crystals, where you'll loot a Deep Sea Monsterbelly. (This can also be purchased from the Auction House.)
Turn the quest in to Bonenose and you will have completed Chapter 3 of Guest Relations!
QuestAccepted! is a PC gaming news source with guides for popular games like World of Warcraft, Diablo IV, Stardew Valley, and Fortnite. Information is subject to future Blizzard udpates.
Tags: pirate gastronomy, pirate gastronomy wow, small flame sac, bloodfin catfish, wow witchberries, wow furious crawdad, furious crawdad, wow nettlefish, deviate fish wow, small flame sac wow, small flame sac wow classic, aromatic fish oil wow, wow swiftthistle