After completing the Guest Relations tutorial questline, players are ready for Chapter 1 of Guest Relations, starting with the quest "The Great Detective!" This quest sends you on a mission to speak to the famous World of Warcraft detective Athelton Jones and learn about his adventures.
Guest Relations is a questline that's part of the World of Warcraft 20th Anniversary Celebration! There are plenty of achievements, titles, and rewards to collect from now until January 7th.
Chapter 1 of Guest Relations is part of the achievement section called "I Saved the Party and All I Got Were These Lousy Hats." Help Alyx complete these quests and this achievement to earn both Bronze Celebration tokens and eventually an achievement reward!
Although it hasn't been confirmed yet, secret hunters are predicting that the reward for completing all 4 chapters of Guest Relations will be the mount Incognitro, the Indecipherable Felcycle.
Now that the WoW 20th Anniversary is over, Alyx has moved to Dornogol. You can still complete all quests needed to obtain Incognitro, the Indecipherable Felcycle and turn in Celebration Crates. Alyx is located near the hot springs in Dornogol north of the Delver's headquarters.
If you need to catch up on WoW 20th Anniversary quests, check out these related guides:

First, players should pick up the quest "The Great Detective" from Alyx on the wooden pavilion in the Celebration Area. Alyx will tell you to go speak to the great detective Athelton Jones, seated near the Story Time area. Athelton will give you the quest The "Great" Detective.
Athelton Jones swears he solved the case of the missing Herrkrop, but Maru and Alyx aren't convinced. Speak to Maru and they will tell you to use the Idol of Ohn'ahra for clues.
Use the Idol of Ohn'ahra in the Celebration Area and it will lead you to members of Team Solid near the Story Time stage. Make sure you exhaust all possible dialogue with all 3 members of the team to keep progressing the quest.
Next, head to the Caverns of Time. You'll see an abandoned chair on the beach just south of the Caverns of Time. Interact with the chair and you'll find a clue that leads you to Wavestrider Beach.

On Wavestrider beach, you'll find a collection of NPCs standing around talking. Use the Torch of Pyrreth to uncover piles of sand until you unfortunately find Herrkrop's corpse. Talk to all the NPC's available and exhaust all of their dialogue to continue the quest.
You have to be at 96% quest completion before talking to Athelton Jones again. He'll ask you to accuse someone of the murder, so use all of the clues you can find and all your toys to try and pick the right person! Regardless of who you choose, the NPC you accuse will be sent off on a boat.
Next, pick up the quest "Tracking Quest" to track down the Tricked Out Thinking Cap, another toy that will be useful during the remainder of the Guest Relations questline.
Use the Tricked Out Thinking Cap next to Alyx on the wooden pavilion, and it will lead you to a goblin vessel on Wavestrider Beach. Get in the goblin vessel and it will send you to Northrend to finish your quest.
When you arrive on the Borean Tundra, use a Spiritual Incense and speak with Maru, who will send you to the nearest docks. Rexxar will be waiting there to give you the quest The Trail's Gone Cold. Use your torch and idol to uncover three notes in the Fishing Hut:
One note is inside the hut
The second note is outside to the left, uncovered by the Torch of Pyrreth
The third note is in a bush to the right of the hut
These notes will tell you to go to the Glimmering Pillar in Sholazar Basin. There will be an interactable telescope on Glimmering Pillar. Use the telescope to see that it's pointing to Balagarde Fortress. That's the next place to explore.
Use your Idol around Balagarde Fortress until it leads you to Scrapes's Corpse. Summon Rexxar by using the quest item Spirit Whistle. Upon seeing the corpse, Rexxar will tell you to report your findings to Alyx back in Tanaris.
Alyx now has the quest "Warn the Detective," and it's time to tell Detective Jones about the mysterious dark force that killed Scrapes. Unfortunately, there are two Detective Jones now, and either one will give you the quest "Spot the Difference."
To complete Spot the Difference, players must determine which Detective Jones is real and which is the imposter shapeshifter. Talk to these three NPCs to help you decide: Leeroy Jenkins, Addie Fizzlebog, and Hemet Nesingway Jr.
The real Detective Jones is the one that Addie talked to. She says Jones only talked about himself and would not let her get a word in.
Use the Idol of Ohn'ahra to follow the shapeshifter, a Satyr, past the Bootlegger Outpost. Defeat the Satyr and return to Alyx to turn in the quest. This will give you credit for completing Chapter 1 of Guest Relations and the achievement "I Saved the Party and All I Got Were These Lousy Hats!"

There are still plenty of clues left to be discovered by secret hunters in WoW, and plenty of days left in the Guest Relations questline! Check back here at QuestAccepted! to see additional guides for new Guest Relations quests as they release.
QuestAccepted! is a PC gaming news source with guides for popular games like World of Warcraft, Diablo IV, Elden Ring, and more. Information is subject to future Blizzard changes.
Tags: the great detective wow, spot the difference wow, athelton jones wow, alyx guest relations wow, wow 20th anniversary, world of warcraft the war within, guest relations questline, how to complete guest relations