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25 Gratitude Journal Prompts for Fall

If you've been thinking about starting a gratitude journal, Fall is the perfect time to start! As the days start to get shorter and it's cool enough outside for coffee on the front porch, consider investing in a gratitude journal to improve your mental health and your daily life!

Here's why you should resist the temptation to leave all your resolutions for January and start a gratitude journal this Fall:

  • January is going to be endlessly busy with other resolutions!

  • Invest in your mental health now so you have a plan for when seasonal depression kicks in!

  • You will have more down time now during the holidays as opposed to January when work kicks back in.

  • With crisp Fall breezes, cozy pumpkin drinks, and thick cable-knit sweaters, journaling is the perfect addition to a cozy autumn aesthetic!

Starting a gratitude journal this Fall will help lower stress, improve your quality of sleep, build emotional awareness, and help provide a new perspective on the challenges you face in your daily life!

The Monk Manual is a weekly planner that includes gratitude prompts every morning, check-ins at the end of the day, and a weekly check-in for habit tracking, relationship growth, and mindfulness!

Take 10% off your first purchase of the 90-Day Starter Set from Monk Manual and combine your daily gratitude journal with a work/school planner!

Below are 25 gratitude journal prompts for Fall, along with some cozy journaling accessories that will make the habit part of your cozy Fall aesthetic:

  • What is one thing you're grateful for from every month of the year so far?

  • Name a Fall-themed activity that you can do with the things already in your home.

  • Name 3 Fall decorations that you already have in storage (or out on decoration!)

  • What is something you are experiencing now that you were wishing for when you were younger?

  • Look outside. Write down 5 things you can see and why you are thankful for them.

  • Set a timer for 3-5 minutes and write down all the people you are grateful to have in your life.

  • What are 5 things you are thankful for about your partner or your best friend?

  • What are 3 things you appreciate about yourself?

  • Write down 3 things you are grateful for in each room of your home.

  • Think about the goals you set in January. What is one thing you accomplished so far this year?

  • Write down 3 things you are excited for during the remaining months of the year.

  • Write down at least 1 Fall tradition you had as a child that made the season feel special.

  • What do you notice about the changing of the seasons? Why are you grateful for the change from Summer to Fall?

  • What is a good memory you have from the previous Fall?

  • Who are you most looking forward to spending time with this Fall?

  • Write down one thing you can do this Fall that you didn't have a chance to do last Fall.

  • What is something you have in your life this year that you didn't have last year?

  • Is there something or someone you have taken for granted this year? Write down a way you can show greater appreciation this Fall.

  • What is one recipe you look forward to every Fall?

  • What does your ideal Fall morning look like? What do you already have in your own to make it come to life?

  • What songs remind you of Fall? What emotions come up when you listen to them?

  • Write a letter to yourself to read next Fall

  • Look up a quote to live by for the remainder of the year. Why did you pick that quote?

  • Write down all the things that are worrying you. Will they matter a year from now?

  • Write down one thing to do for yourself every day of the week.

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