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10 Granola Girl Things to Do in the Fall

Fall is the perfect time of year to embrace the granola girl aesthetic! The weather has cooled down, the leaves are turning beautiful colors, and it's the perfect time to get outside. Being a granola girl means loving everything nature, being eco-conscious and supporting earthy and sustainable brands! Here are 12 granola girl things to do this Fall:

Go for a bike ride. Fall is the perfect time of year to ride bikes! It's a great form of exercise and a great way to see all the changing colors. Meet up with a friend to ride bikes to a local coffee shop or a brewery! If your bike needs a desperate upgrade - here is an affordable option for a hybrid trail/road bike:

Go for a hike. The ultimate granola girl fall day: Go to a cute coffee shop on your way to the trail. Go for a hike under a yellow and orange forest. Finish the day with dinner at a brewpub! If you need tips to find hiking trails, what to bring, and how to dress, see these other posts from Sarah's Cozy Life!

Go to the park for a Fall picnic. Spend time outdoors by going to the park for a picnic! Bring a picnic blanket, picnic basket, and plenty of layers to enjoy a chilly day outside.

Go on a camping trip. Fall is the perfect time to go camping, sit around a campfire, and tell spooky stories! Fall camping means no mosquitos and no sweaty nights. If you've ever wanted to experience camping in a camper van, visit Escape Campervans to plan a vacation this Fall! Experience driving from park to park in a camper van without having to build one yourself (or live in it permanently.)

Go thrift shopping. Thrift shopping is a sustainable way to find new outfits and upcycle vintage home goods. Shop for the perfect granola Fall outfit and have a photo shoot!

Relax in a hammock. Spending time under the changing leaves in a hammock is another granola girl thing to do this Fall! Fill a thermos with a hot drink and grab a book to read on a breezy Fall day. Hang your hammock in your backyard or go to a local state park!

Paint pumpkins. Instead of carving pumpkins, paint pumpkins this year! Painted pumpkins won't rot quickly like carved pumpkins. Painting pumpkins make for the perfect Fall date and can be paired with a Fall picnic.

Read a nature book. Going to a bookstore and getting coffee is the perfect autumn day! Put a granola girl twist on it by picking up a nature book to read and learn more about your favorite animals or favorite places to travel. If you want book recommendations, check out these 10 Book Recommdations for Nature Lovers.

Try leaf printing. Leaf printing is a fun fall craft that you can do by yourself, with your kids, or with your friends! Collect fallen leaves on a walk and paint the backs of them to print on paper.

Host a trail clean-up day. If you want to do something great for the environment, host a trail clean-up day with your friends or family. Fall is the perfect time to pick up litter before it gets covered up by snow in the winter. Earth Day isn't the only time of year you can plan something sustainable!

Check out these other granola girl articles on Sarah's Cozy Life:

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