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About Sarah

Up Close and Personal

I decided to take the leap and start blogging so I could be the change I want to see in the world. Or in my case, create the content I wish I'd seen on social media when I needed it the most. Our social media feeds are full of grandiose and unrealistic travel expectations. Although my dream is to see all the national parks in the U.S., living for the four weeks of vacation time I get a year was NOT serving me. I was constantly feeling depressed because everyone seemed to be traveling more than me and hiking more than me. I jumped at every chance to travel with little regard for the cost or how it affected my mental health and my relationships. 


During my mental health journey this year, I discovered that a slow living lifestyle works for me. I developed a gratitude practice that changed my mindset about living and hiking in Indiana. This blog is for anyone who, like me, struggles with comparing themselves to other people. My goal is to give everyone the tools they need to connect to nature where they live, discover why I think a slow living lifestyle will work for them too, and create a cozy life! 


Some other things I'm passionate about include being a first-time homeowner with my boyfriend Cole and our three cats, suicide prevention and awareness, and land conservation! 

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